Monday, July 25, 2011

Story for the Magpie

Story for the Magpie
87" x 17" x 15"

It is said that Magpies can be taught to speak the language of humans. I'm sure they already have a language of their own. If we could converse with the Magpies I think they would have marvelous stories to tell. This piece carved from aspen branches collected in the mountains of Arizona and New Mexico tells a story of the Magpie's adventures. The figure holds a book made with five tiny windows. One  contains a miniature painting of the starry night sky done on Mexican amate bark paper. The others include found objects and collage suspended between sheets of natural mica and then framed with antique tin. The sculpture's headdress is made with layers of old copper nailed to a wood form. It's painted with acrylic and metal leaf then coated with a light layer of wax.

Story for the Magpie
87" x 17" x 15"

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From the Dragon's Garden

From the Dragon's Garden

You have probably heard that when a lizard loses it's tail another will grow back in it's place but did you know that if a dragon loses it's claw it can also grow another? In order to do this the old claw must be buried in the dragon's garden in a perfect place at just the right time of year. There are other secrets to the growing and not all claws make the grade. If for example the dragon had an exceptional amount of dirt under his nails to begin with it will throw the entire chemical balance of the soil off and a new claw just will not sprout. But, if all is done according to the magic dragon code not only will the dragon grow a brand new claw but also a magical flowering dragon's claw plant!

This dragon claw is made with a found cast iron piano stool foot. It holds a little glass globe in its talons. The foot was purchased from the fabulous Etsy shop of ProfessorTiny. I carved the plant section of the piece from found aspen wood. It's painted with acrylic and metal leaf and finished with a light wax.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In the works...

Here's what's on the table after an inspiring trip collecting aspen in New Mexico.

Church doors in Chimayo, New Mexico